There are several ways that you can help make a difference at Sav-a-Life.
1. Pray
The ministry at Sav-a-Life would not exist without prayer. Please pray for the staff, board members, volunteers and the many men and women that come to Sav-a-Life. Your prayers make a difference!!
2. Financial Donations
Sav-a-Life is a non-profit organization and relies solely on donations. It is because of generous people like you who make this ministry possible. We accept donations in many different ways. You can give with your debit or credit card through our iGiveHere. You can send a check made payable to Sav-A-Life Pregnancy Resource Center or you can call our office at (256) 355-3828.
3. Volunteer
At Sav-a-Life, we rely on volunteers to carry out this important work. Volunteers are needed to teach classes, help organize events, work with our nurse, help in the file room, help in the baby closet, help with special projects and more. If you would like to be a part of this exciting ministry, please fill out and submit the volunteer form.
4. Purchase a Choose Life License Tag
You can be a “Hero for the unborn” just by purchasing a Choose Life license tag. Take 2 minutes to watch this YouTube video. You can make a difference!!
How to Help

Some of our current needs
· Enfamil Infant Formula, Enfamil ProSobee and Similac Soy Formula,
Enfamil GentleEase Formula, Nutrimagen Formula (store brands are fine)
· diapers (size 4 and 5)
· Boys & Girls shoes - all sizes from newborn to size 8
· Boys Summer Clothing - 18 months up to 3T
· Girls Summer Clothing - 18 months up to 3T
We also accept the following new and gently used baby items anytime:
car seats, baby strollers, boys and girls clothes (up to size 3T), shoes (up to children’s size 7), burp clothes, diapers, baby wipes, pacifiers, bottles, bibs, new clothes, combs, brushes, bottle brushes, socks, sleepers, blankets, small toys, towels, wash clothes, lotion, bath wash, shampoo, diaper ointment, receiving blankets, and children’s books and Bibles.
You can request a receipt for your donation and all monetary donations will receive a tax receipt at the end of the year. We are a 501(c3) non-profit organization.